When kids go off to college, parents want to have confidence that their children are in a safe place. University Loft has taken extra measures to ensure that the furniture we provide for universities are built with safety standards that exceed government regulations and are tested for safety. University Loft Company also wanted to go an extra mile in providing a safe place within the furniture itself for students. Let’s talk about Defense Furniture.
Our Defense Furniture was originally designed for the Government. It is now also manufactured for colleges. This student resident furniture is designed for the most extreme cases. Though we hope they never have to be used for the purpose they were created, these pieces of powerful steel and laminate are built of bullet resistant materials. Their lifespan will last for 60 years. This university furniture is sure to see many years and generations of student life.
While their children are away at college getting an education, parents can have peace of mind knowing that if there were an incident on campus, with Defense Furniture from University Loft, a person could lockdown inside the storage unit on the bed. The lockers also have this same bullet resistant ability.
“As a parent of a college age child, I want to provide all students with a safe option should the terror of an active shooter come upon their campus. That is why I created this bullet resistant line of furniture…to provide a zone of safety for students should they ever be confronted with such horror.” ~ James Jannetides, CEO and founder of University Loft Company
To get further details on our Defense Furniture, you can contact us or give us a call at 800.423.LOFT (5638). A ULC representative will be available to assist you. To see more of our contract furniture products, have a look at our catalogs. If you need something in a hurry, that’s not a problem for us. We can ship orders in short notice. We would love to do business with you.
Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides says, “We are a company with ethics. Integrity is more than a word. We manufacture furniture the right way.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is honored to live by a high standard of ethics that continue to bring innovative ideas for university furniture, off-campus housing, apartment furnishings and military housing.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock
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