University Loft Company: Serving Colleges and Students from A to Z with Superior Student Furniture

Girl Student Studying on Campus University LoftIn colleges and universities across America and around the world, there are tens of thousands of students living and learning in dorm rooms equipped with University Loft residence life furniture. But these are not just numbers to us; these are Adams and Zacharys, Ariannas and Zoes, Ahmads and Lings and Rashidas and Tristans. These are not just names, either; these are young learners and they are the reasons we build college and university furniture the way we do: with environmentally-friendly solid wood and with better construction methods that exceed safety and quality standards others barely meet.

We build University Loft student furniture to higher standards because our own kids, and our neighbors’ kids and our cousins in different states and different countries live in dorm rooms equipped with ULoft furniture. At University Loft, we know that every piece of student furniture we produce can help make student residence life a better living and learning experience. We believe that we are not just building better student furniture; we’re building better student futures.

And that’s why we work so hard to satisfy not only students, but also our university student furniture buyers… at Appalachian State University and Baylor and Cornell and Delaware State and… well, you get the idea.

For colleges – and students – from A to Z, University Loft commits to delivering only grade A student furniture products. As University Loft founder James Jannetides says, “we are always learning…innovating and…improving.” That’s the ULoft way.

Want to learn more? Contact us today at 800-423-LOFT (5638)!


The ULoft Blog Team

About University Loft Company and our solid wood modular residence life furniture:

Since 1984, when James Jannetides built a loft configuration for his own dorm room at Southern Illinois University, hundreds of thousands of college students have enjoyed better campus living thanks to University Loft furniture. Today, University Loft serves more than 1,200 colleges, universities and related student housing partners. As Jannetides’ says: “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving … our environment, our products, and our service. We are University Loft Company.”

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