When your kids go off to college, you want to know that they are in safe keeping everywhere they go. Safety must come first in college university furniture built by University Loft Company. That’s why it’s important to know that ULCs safety system passes U.S. and parents approval. The Makers of Cool offer the best in bed safety.
Our Guardrails are Safe
There are a set of child safety requirements for entrapment and guardrail safety that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has put out. University Loft Company meets all these requirements. They aid in injury reduction caused by entrapment on child or adult bunk beds.
Stability and Durability
The ULC bed ends have four spreader rails. This adds extra support and supplementary strength. Our standard bed end posts are 3” x 3” and give a more powerful surface-to-surface contact area increasing stability and durability.
Higher Standards
There is a high standard required by the United States in bed safety. There is an even higher standard by parents. We always want our kids safe especially when they sleep. Parents are given that extra peace-of-mind knowing that University Loft beds are manufactured with a higher safety standard.
If you care to see more of our college university furniture, browse our catalogs. We have furniture for the dorm room and the kitchen, the living room and the dining room, we have Murphy Beds and stack chairs. If you see something you would like to know more about, you can contact us online here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5639). One of our skilled Uloft staff members will be happy to assist you. We would love to do business with you. If you need something quickly, you can ask about our Quick Ship Program.
Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides says, “We are a company with ethics. Integrity is more than a word. We manufacture furniture the right way.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is honored to live by a high standard of ethics that continue to bring innovative ideas for university furniture, off-campus housing, apartment complexes and new developments, and GSA defense quarters to our customers regularly.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock
University Loft Company is growing, and we’re hiring. We are looking for good workers to become part of an excellent team. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).