Have you made plans to do something special as soon as the quarantine lifts? While you have a little time at home, you could make plans to accomplish some of your goals. This is a good time to create lofty dreams while you stay in place and think about how you can bring them to pass. At University Loft Company, we are coming up with innovative ways to build better furniture for you. From fashion to strength, the possibilities are endless.
Lofty Dreams
Make your dreams big so you can find room to fill them. Make them lofty enough for you to climb to new heights. Make them manageable so that you don’t get discouraged easily and can see the accomplishments you make along the way. Take yourself to the next level every time.
Write Them Down
Sometimes we get so many ideas that we forget some of them, so pull up a chair at your desk and write down your ideas. Keeping track of them will help you decide later if you really want to do what you wrote down before hand or safe it for later (or trash it completely).
Think Them Over
Sit down in your comfy chair and muse over your lofty dreams. This is a good to time look at your list and decide what you can achieve and how soon you can realistically make it happen.
Sometimes lists can be overwhelming. Don’t let discouragement steal your dreams. You have a lot to do. List the items you can finish first then record your next goals. Some desires are going to take a bit more time. For example, you aren’t going to learn Urdu in a week, though you might learn a couple of phrases that you are able to speak fluently in a week. That will encourage you!
Make Your Possibilities Endless
At University Loft, our furniture is designed with endless possibilities. From loft beds to kitchen cabinets. From living room sets to futuristic chairs, we never stop innovating.
Make your dreams the same way, and make sure the outcome is always positive. Like our furniture, be a durable powerhouse of strength. Be long lasting and dependable. Be ready to adjust as needed. That’s the University Loft way!
To learn more about the furniture we build, you can browse our catalogs. If you have any questions, contact us here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). If you need products quickly, ask about our Quick Ship Program. We would love to do business with you.
We are The Makers of Cool furniture.
Founder and owner, James N. Jannetides says, “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…We are University Loft Company.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is living up to that quote and hasn’t stopped with creative ideas in not only university furniture, but also off-campus housing, apartment furnishings, new developments, and military housing.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock
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