It was the Best of Times to Choose University Loft, It was the Worst of Times to Pick a Lesser Brand

I saw a report on TV the other day about the best times to do certain things… and the worst times, too. For example, the best time to see a doctor (aside from when you are sick, of course) is 9:00 in the morning, before emergencies and extra patients create a backlog. The worst time? Four in the afternoon when those backlogs are nearing critical mass. This made me think about the best time to buy student furniture from University Loft Company and the worst time:

To start with – and this should be pretty darn obvious if you know anything at all about University Loft Bunk BedUniversity Loft’s solid wood furniture for college – there is NO bad time to buy University Loft furniture. Well, actually there is: anytime you’ve hesitated to buy our modular dorm room furniture means you’ve wasted valuable time to improve your residence life college furnishings. In other words, a day late is a bad time to buy ULoft. Any other time, of course, is a great time to choose University Loft college furniture. After all, our student furnishings are made with superior hardwood that’s been proven stronger than the Northern Red Oak some competitors think is all that.

We use superior construction techniques, too – like English dovetail joints and corner blocks in drawers – to make sure ULoft residence life furniture stands up to the worst of times in the dorm room. And to make those bad days in the dorm just a little better, University Loft furniture is easy to rearrange so you can maximize and personalize your space. Result? Good times on campus! (Bad times for our competitors.)

Of course, there are plenty more great reasons to choose University Loft furniture for college. To learn more, follow this blog, click here or contact us today at 800-423-LOFT (5638).


The ULoft Blog Team

About University Loft Company and our solid wood modular residence life furniture:

Since 1984, when James Jannetides built a loft configuration for his own dorm room at Southern Illinois University, hundreds of thousands of college students have enjoyed better campus living thanks to University Loft furniture. Today, University Loft serves more than 1,200 colleges, universities and related student housing partners. As Jannetides’ says: “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving … our environment, our products, and our service. We are University Loft Company.”

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