When you come into your student residence, you want it to have your signature in it. The Makers of Cool can offer you some seriously innovative ways to make your dorm room super cool. So, look around your room, what do you want to change, what do you want to enhance, what do you want to get rid of? University Loft can help. Let’s look at some ideas for your room.
Bring It Up
With Uloft bed ends and our Tool-Less System™, we make it easy for you to loft your bed and give yourself room for living space underneath. Select your favorite bedspread, add some decorative pillows and your super cool dorm room is on its way. Beneath that loft bed, you can literally put a living room, study area, or extra storage with dressers and drawer chests.
If lofting won’t work, consider raising your bed so that you can still use the space beneath for storage with our stackable drawer chests.
If you have a roommate, try bunking your beds in a configuration that fits your room the best. Match your spreads, covers, and pillows to add consistency and awesomeness.
It helps to have something to hold your study aids, books, and hard copies, in addition to a place to sit down and do some serious studying. University Loft has pedestal desk that include file draws and pencil holders in addition to full extension drawer glides that open with ease and allow you to reach to the back. A few less drawers and a slimmer fit is provided by our writing desks, if you prefer.
Your Touch
Add a carrel to the top of your desk to store momentums, knick-knacks, and photo of family and friends. With a carrel, you can keep some of your text books as well for easy access. Your super cool dorm room is almost complete.
Your Personal Narnia
A wardrobe is just what you need to store extra clothes and belongings. It’s also a great place to keep more personal items stored away. ULC wardrobes come with a rod to hang your clothes, drawers, and shelves. Make it your own personal Narnia.
When it’s time to start chilling, climb into The Orbital and turn on the music. The speakers inside this entirely amazing chair allow you to listen to your favorite music or podcast.
These are a few innovative ways to make your dorm room super cool. Can you think of others?
Get more ideas for your dorm room by visiting our catalogs. If you see something you like or have a question about, you can contact us online here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). We want your business and are ready to help you. If you need something yesterday, let us know what it is. We have a quick ship program that can get products to you quickly.
Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides says, “We are a company with ethics. Integrity is more than a word. We manufacture furniture the right way.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is honored to live by a high standard of ethics that continue to bring innovative ideas for university furniture, off-campus housing, apartment complexes and new developments, and GSA defense quarters to our customers regularly.
University Loft Company is growing and we’re hiring. We are looking for good workers to become part of an excellent team. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock