Standing in the middle of her office with papers strewn across her desk, stacks of manila files on the floor, and desk drawers open with hanging files with papers shoved askew in them, the young executive said with tears in her eyes, “I can’t keep up. I can’t do this anymore.” She was momentarily overwhelmed with the workload and the demands. After a good cry and a good night’s sleep, she called me the next day and said she was ready to go back at it. Sometimes you must step away. There are ways to fix your circumstance like these 5 hacks to help unstress your busy schedule.
Step away from the stress
Keeping in mind that there are customers to serve, deadlines to meet, and appoints that must be kept, you have use good judgement before you just walk away from something. Consider the moment before you get taken up in it. Before you react, count to ten. Be a good listener first, take your time at responding, and be slow to let the situation get you angry or stressed. When the time is right, step away and take a few moments to refresh yourself. While doing so think about something that makes you smile like taking a nap on a Uloft open loft or sitting on your porch in the Attica Don’t think about situation or how to fix it until you destress.
Take breaks
You may only get a half an hour out of a full day of work for a break, so put it to good use. Save your demanding phone calls for another time.
University Loft has a couple of perfect chairs and sofas for break times and have some privacy. Like the Chelsea Series or the Jennings Collection in addition to the Eclipse.
The Eclipse has a high back and sides allowing maximum privacy. There are also USB ports so you can plug in your device and let it charge while you recharge. Hey, this would be a great time to watch a cute kitten or puppy video or have a laugh from a funny video.
Do one task at a time
Some might argue but doing two or more tasks at a time usually ends up taking you longer to get them all done. Concentrate on the task at hand, finish it, get that endorphin high from crossing it off your To Do list, then move on to the next task.
Say no to some things
It is rewarding to help others out and it is something we all should do. There are some things and some times, though, when you need to say no.
Do what you love first
If you do what you love first, then what you love will get done.
If you enjoyed this article, please keep in mind, it is written as mere helpful suggestions not as scientifically proven methods. University Loft is not responsible for the content of the suggestions. However, we would love for you to have a look at the furniture products in our catalogs. You can contact us here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). If you need something in a hurry, ask about our Quick Ship Program. We might have something stocked and ready to ship your way.
Founder and owner of University Loft Company, James N. Jannetides along with president, Jeff Carlson, bring the team of innovators together to continue to create state-of-the-art furniture for universities, municipalities, off-campus housing, apartment and new development, boarding schools, and GSA defense quarters. University Loft offers you better furniture for your today and your tomorrow. As James says, “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…We are University Loft Company.”
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock