In baseball, hockey or soccer, 3 to 1 is a winning score. In handicapping the races at Churchill Downs, 3-to-1 odds are a strong sign that the horse is a favorite. So it should come as no surprise that for hardwood material for college student furniture, the 3-to-1 advantage of University Loft’s Environmentally Farmed Timber makes it a champion, too. Here’s what I mean:
In most circles, Oak trees are considered a top-quality standard hardwood for furniture manufacturing. It’s true that Oak can be a good choice for appearance and strength. But at University Loft Company, we’ve found something that’s just as attractive, even stronger and – wait for it – environmentally sustainable, too!
In our solid wood furniture for college residence life, we use an Environmentally Farmed Timber known as Hevea Brasiliensis, or HB. Not only has HB been proven stronger than Northern Red Oak in independent laboratory testing, it outperforms Oak in the dorm room, too, standing up to years of student wear and tear. And HB does it in style: in appearance, it closely resembles the grain of Oak.
But perhaps the best news about HB is that it is the Earth-friendly choice in college student furnishings. You see, HB trees take just 20 years to grow to harvestable maturity. Oak trees take 60 years. That means that 3 Hevea Brasiliensis trees can be grown and harvested in the time it takes for one Oak tree to be ready to be milled. This 3-to-1 HB advantage demonstrates the sustainability of this attractive, strong and natural furniture material resource.
Yes, 3 to 1 wins every time – on the field of play, and in college residence halls and dorm rooms everywhere.
Want to learn more about how University Loft college furniture can stack the odds in favor of a great residence life furniture experience? Contact us today at 800-423-LOFT (5638).
The ULoft Blog Team
About University Loft Company and our solid wood modular residence life furniture:
Since 1984, when James Jannetides built a loft configuration for his own dorm room at Southern Illinois University, hundreds of thousands of college students have enjoyed better campus living thanks to University Loft furniture. Today, University Loft serves more than 1,200 colleges, universities and related student housing partners. As Jannetides’ says: “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving … our environment, our products, and our service. We are University Loft Company.