The various methods of winning the battle over the spread of coronavirus are working, and soon the world will open again a bit at a time. Though social distancing is tough on us, it is making a difference. We are still in this stage of battle. With University Loft stack chairs, reopening your operation can be much easier. Here’s how: spacing them 6 feet apart from one another will allow you to enjoy a gathering at the recommended distance from others when the time allows.
The stack chairs are convenient for both large and small gatherings. Since we are actually focusing on gatherings with smaller numbers, it’s great that they are bulky. it’s easy to move them around, and you can stack them up to move from one side of the room to the other. The legs have durable nylon glides on them which won’t leave a trail behind them. Unlike Hansel & Gretel, we don’t need to know from where we took the chair and where we dropped it off (and we don’t need to worry about the birds eating our trail).
The padded chairs are comfortable and make those long meetings much more enjoyable. The Makers of Cool have considered the safety of their customers as well by making the pads from fire retardant foam.
Would you like to see more amazing University Loft furniture products? Check them out in our catalogs. If you have any questions, you can contact us here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). A University Loft representative will be available to help you. If you need something right now, we have a Quick Ship Program that might work for you. We would love to do business with you.
University Loft Company is the real deal. From the way we build our loft beds and college furniture to how we deliver and install our furniture products, we put you first. As a leader in the contract furniture industry, we are bringing you new, safe, environmentally friendly, quality, and durable furniture for college and universities, off-campus housing, GSA Defense furniture, apartment complexes, and new developments.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock