If you want to get the most from your college living and learning experience, you’ve got to set high standards and continually raise the bar. So it’s a pretty good thing if you’ve got University Loft’s solid wood dorm room furniture in your residence hall, right? AND it’s a good thing that University Loft continually sets the standard for excellence in American-made residence life furnishings.
That’s all great from a big picture point of view, but what about daily dorm life? Does University Loft make a difference in the day-to-day experience of the on-campus college student? Sure we do. In many ways:
Take, for example, our Graduate Series student furniture. Like I said, it’s solid wood (made from super-strong Environmentally Farmed Timber) and it looks great – with a grain very similar to oak. But the really great thing about ULoft’s Graduate Series furniture for college is that it makes it easy for your dorm room to reflect your style and maximize your space.
Thanks to the University Loft Tool-less System, you can totally reconfigure and redo your dorm room furniture arrangement. Want to unbunk your bunks? No problem. Want to boost a bunk and make a student study center beneath? You can do that, too.
After all, when it comes to personalizing your college living space, University Loft makes it easy to raise the bar (and the bed).
Looking to boost your knowledge about University Loft furniture for college students? Follow this blog or contact us today at 1-800-423-LOFT.
The ULoft Blog Team
About University Loft Company and our solid wood modular residence life furniture:
Since 1984, when James Jannetides built a loft configuration for his own dorm room at Southern Illinois University, hundreds of thousands of college students have enjoyed better campus living thanks to University Loft furniture. Today, University Loft serves more than 1,200 colleges, universities and related student housing partners. As Jannetides’ says: “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving … our environment, our products, and our service. We are University Loft Company.”