Do you love a great bargain? Do you love knowing that you just got the greatest deal of the week – or I’ll do you one better – of the year? Well, I have some good news for you! This week in Greenfield, Indiana, LOFT is having an inventory clearance sale to beat all clearance sales. That’s right, Friday, February 18th and Saturday February 19th LOFT inventory clearance sale blows the roof off others. We’re moving furniture like it’s going out of style. But it’s not! Believe me, prices are being slashed by 50 – 75%. Now, that’s some savings. This is our largest sale ever and we’re inviting you to come and be a part of it. Everything is being sold below the manufacturing cost. I got wind that there may even be some free furniture. Here’s how that works, be the first at the sale, Friday at 6:00 am and receive a free piece of scratch and dent or other available pieces.
Come on in and check out our modular beds, our desks, entertainment centers, sofas, chairs, tables, and the all the other items the Makers of Cool Furniture are offering. The sale takes place at University Loft Company in Greenfield, Indiana. If you can’t make it to Greenfield, you can still check out our fabulous furniture online at There you will see what the selection of quality furniture we carry every day. It’s innovative, it’s stylish and like everything we craft, it’s built University Loft strong.
The place to be Friday, February 17th and Saturday February 18th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm is:
2588 Jannetides Boulevard
Greenfield, Indiana 46140
The sale entrance is at the Southwest corner of the building.
You may have some questions. You may want to know more about this insane inventory clearance sale. If so, please contact us or give us a call at 800.423.LOFT (5638). A University Loft representative will be ready to assist you.
While you’re here on the site, click over to our catalogs and have a look around at the vast array of furniture series and styles University Loft Company has to offer you. More than LOFT beds, we have furniture for the homes, meeting and lounge areas, and defense quarters.
University Loft Company wants your furniture buying experience to be amazing. We are committed to producing top-quality furniture that provides the best value to you. We are innovators manufacturing products to improve student residence furniture, off-campus and military housing, apartment furnishing and multi-family unit housing. Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides is the creative force behind University Loft Company. His vision for loft beds was only the beginning of the accomplishments done in contract furniture manufacturing through this company.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock