Honoring Those Who Served and Serve

usa-flag-1133963_960_720University Loft Company is graced by all those who served and serve in the military. We especially want to take this day and remember the ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice by offering their lives in the line of duty. Their memories should remain alive, and we would like to help do that by giving them honor this Memorial Day. Because of them, we are all safer. Today we are honoring those who served and serve in the military.

We recognize and appreciate the protection we receive from the armed forces and are privileged that they are willing to work and even die for the US. In this we say thank you to our armed forces and to the families of those who died protecting our country.


University Loft Company understands the sacrifices made and strives to provide high quality furniture for the defense quarters. The furniture built for the government sector is American produced. Constructed from steel, high pressured laminate, bolted through hinges, solid wood drawer pulls, and recycled materials, our military housing furniture is designed for comfort with the warmth of home. It is created to last for years to come. Have a look around at the large variety of Defense Quarters products we offer. 2014_arborDay_GroupShot_1997

Our catalogs are a great way for you to get better acquainted with University Loft products. When you let us know your furniture needs, an experienced representative we will be available to help you. If you have any questions, you can contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-423-LOFT (5638).

More than just LOFT. The innovative drive of University Loft Company produces superior student residence furniture, military housing, off-campus furniture and apartment furnishings. Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides is an inspiration to many. His no compromise attitude sets the standard high in the furniture industry.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock




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