Higher Standards Produce Better Quality Furniture

When it comes to manufacturing contract furniture, University Loft raises the bar to manufacture products to serve your needs. Our higher standards produce better quality furniture. We take into consideration the environment by the timber we use. We also consider safety when it comes in features in our beds and defense furniture. We manufacture durable products that are built to last for years. Useful in small areas, Uloft products are modular and can help save room in a tiny place. Let’s look at some of these qualities in our contract furniture.

Environmentally Farmed Timber

Because we care about our natural world, University Loft uses wood the comes from Hevea Brasiliensis. The tree grows rapidly, so it is replenished quickly. Throughout its life, it is tapped for latex until the production ceases. Then the trees are hewn down, and the wood used for furniture and other items.


From the type of treatment used on our wood and metals to the space between the bed slats; from guardrails to bedposts, safety is our first consideration. We even have a plan to help you keep your mattress clean and safe, and to get the most life out of it.


The Makers of Safe have furniture with lock-down features for extra safety. Originally created for the military, Defense Furniture from ULC is now made for universities and colleges. They are built with durable steel and laminate bullet resistant materials. Our Defense Furniture is built to last 60 years. They even have places where a person can hide if there would be an active shooter or danger around.


As I said before, our hardwood is eco-friendly. It is also strong. In fact, in independent tests, Hevea Brasiliensis tested stronger than Northern Red Oak. In one test the ULC chest endured 204 cycles at 350 pounds before structural integrity was compromised. The Norther Red Oak failed at 250 pounds after only 341 cycles. The Makers of Cool present to you a supreme product.


When space it precious, we have made furniture that goes vertical. When you stack it up, your floor space becomes more plenteous. Enjoy the space you have whether it is a lot or a little.

High Standards

University Loft uses superior materials in all our furniture products. Then we add to it state-of-the-art construction methods such as mortise and tenon connection, corner blocks, and dovetail joints that strengthen drawers and desk. We offer the best by setting our standards high. Higher standards produce better quality furniture. 

Take a look at our catalogs to see the variety of furniture products from which you can choose. If you see something you would like to know more about, contact us here or give us a call at 800.423. LOFT (5638).  One of our Uloft representatives will be ready to help you. Our Quick Ship Program allows you to receive your order quickly.  We want your business and have something just for you. Let us know how we can help you.

Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides says, “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…We are University Loft Company.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is living up to that quote and hasn’t stopped with innovative ideas in not only university furniture, but also off-campus housing, apartment furnishings, new developments, and military housing.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock

University Loft Company is growing and we’re hiring. We are looking for good workers to become part of an excellent team. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).

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