It’s almost the end of the first semester, and you’ve finally settled into your place. Do you own your student room space? You know, you’ve brought a bunch of your favorite stuff from home so it can be with you, you’ve lived there for the last few months, but do you own your student room space – like it’s yours? Well, with University Loft student resident furniture it is easy.
First you have beds that modulate making the space that you have become larger. Let’s say you have a loft bed. That is super cool because you can do so much with a loft bed – like study on top of it, get supreme rest, write a paper, or play a game. Beneath your bed, you can place your desk, which is probably a better place to study, but, let’s face it, you can feel more on top of things when you’re on the loft. Next to the desk you can place drawer chests to store your favorite things from home. Don’t forget the Two-Position Chair, perfect for working at your desk or just hanging out. It’s right there for you, and University Loft helps you own your student room space. You and your roomy can create a living space that is perfect for you with University Loft dorm room solutions!
To see what other kinds of cool stuff the Makers of Cool have to offer, check out the catalogs. Your business is important, so if you have any questions or would like details on anything call 800-423-LOFT (5638) or contact ULC online.
Founder and CEO, James Jannetides says, “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…We are University Loft Company.” As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft is living up to that quote and hasn’t stopped with innovative ideas in not only university furniture, but also off-campus housing, apartment furnishings and military housing.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock