I was in a Bed, Bath & Beyond the other day and noticed the college lists that inform students what to bring and what not to bring. Among the “to bring” items were things like sheets, pillows, towels, laundry supplies, toiletries and wall-safe adhesive to hang posters. Among the do-not-bring items were candles, space heaters, toasters, coffee makers and halogen lamps. Of course, items allowed or not will vary from college to college and residence hall to residence hall. One thing I didn’t see on the list as a must bring – and this is something that will come in very handy with University Loft’s solid wood student furniture in the dorm room – is creativity.
You see, for many college students, especially incoming freshmen, the college dorm room is a fresh beginning and a chance to express their unique style. That’s why University Loft student residence life furniture is a prized asset in the dorm room. After all, University Loft makes it easy to organize your student living quarters to suit your needs – and your style. By making it simple for students to loft (gotta love that word!) their beds, extra space appears where none seemed to exist before. And in that space, the college student can express himself or herself with art, clutter or what lies between.
Yes, University Loft’s modular, space-saving college furniture makes it easy for a student’s personal space to be, well, personal. So go ahead – arrange your ULoft-outfitted student room to your liking. We’re pretty sure you brought your creativity with you.
To learn more about getting University Loft college student furniture in your residence life student quarters, contact us today at 800-423-LOFT (5638).
The ULoft Blog Team
About University Loft Company and our solid wood modular residence life furniture:
Since 1984, when James Jannetides built a loft configuration for his own dorm room at Southern Illinois University, hundreds of thousands of college students have enjoyed better campus living thanks to University Loft furniture. Today, University Loft serves more than 1,200 colleges, universities and related student housing partners. As Jannetides’ says: “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving … our environment, our products, and our service. We are University Loft Company.”