Overflow Taking Control? Not with ULC Stack Chairs

When one room has many uses, you need to make sure you aren’t overcrowded with bulky furniture.  It’s difficult to move things around with cumbersome chairs. They take up a lot of space and can be a burden to place especially when that same room holds several different types of meetings in a week or even a month. You may even need extra chairs as an overflow, but where do you store them? Is your overflow taking control? Not with ULC stack chairs. Let me tell you about them.

Just What You Need

Your all-purpose room needs stackable chairs, and The Makers of Cool have just what you need.  If you go from a lecture to a Pilates session, our stack chair will add the ease of speed and agility. When you don’t need them, you just stack them high and out of the way.

Let’s Talk About Variety

Our stack chairs are sleek and stylish. You can get them with or without arms. They are also cushioned and can purchased with fabric or vinyl. You can also select a fabric that will go with the color scheme of your multi-purpose room. The padding is made from fire retardant foam too.

They Glide

The feet of ULC stack chairs have nylon glides that do not leave a trail when you pull them across the floor.

Stack Chairs from University Loft CompanyUniversity Loft stack chairs are the way to go for any all-purpose room.

Check Us Out

To see more of our stackable chairs and space saving furniture, you can look at our catalogs. If you see something you like or want to receive more information, you can contact us here or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). One of our skilled representatives will be available to help you. University Loft offers items from kitchen cabinetry to loft beds, from dining tables to soft seating. And if you have need of something quickly ask your rep about our Quick Ship Program.

Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides says, “We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…We are University Loft Company.” As a leader in the furniture industry, we are living up to that quote and haven’t stopped with state-of-the-art ideas for all types of furniture.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock

University Loft Company is growing and we’re hiring. We are looking for good workers to become part of an excellent team. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).





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