Having an idea about what you would like in apartment furnishings is good. Having a vision for the furniture that you want is even better. It helps you stay focused and work toward the desired result. Get a vision for what you would love to see in your multi dwelling unit. University Loft has widespread product lines for you to select from, but if we are not carrying what it is that you want, LOFT can customize your vision to suit your definite needs. To your advantage, we are not only a warehouse, we are a manufacturer of multi-family residential, apartment furnishings, military housing and college furniture and are able to tailor the furniture to your desires. You can reach us today, and let us work together with you to see the end result.
A qualified LOFT staff member is ready to assist you with your selection of multi-family housing, apartment furnishings, college furniture, off-campus housing or military housing. Remember, LOFT can customize your vision!
You can find more of our quality products and fine furnishings in the University Loft Company catalogs. Your business is important to us, and we are ready and available to serve you. If you have any questions, you can contact us or give us a call at 1-800-423-LOFT (5638). One of the LOFT team members will be ready to help you.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock
As a leader in the furniture industry, University Loft Company continues to create products that befit the needs of universities, military housing and family housing. CEO and founder, James Jannetides’ infectious positivity drives the company to developing more innovative products. His wisdom and vision is one to follow and has been a wellspring of inspiration and encouragement to many through the years.