Laminate Furniture: 4 Reasons it Would Work for You

University Loft Company offers many types of furniture products from solid hardwood to wood and metal blends to laminate. All are built with the highest of quality and state-of-the-art technology. All our collections are outstanding, but one may fit you better than the other. You may be leaning toward the laminate furniture. Before deciding, we would like to present to you the pros and cons of laminate products. To have or not to have laminate, that is the question. There are many reasons to make this type of furniture the choice for your facility. Laminate furniture: 4 reasons it would work for you.

Easy to Clean
Pull out a damp microfiber cloth when the furniture gets dusty, wipe it down, and you have a beautiful clean piece of furniture to enjoy.

When you have a lot of people going in and out of the same place, you have the perfect trap for bacteria. Some of the laminate furniture from University Loft Company offers antibacterial properties. This is ideal furniture to have in a place like that.

Hint: if you keep the laminate furniture out of direct sunlight, they will shine like new for years to come.

Flame Retardant
In case a fire breaks out, it is slow to catch the flames making it safer to furnish your facility.

S and S
We all know how easy it is to scratch and stain the products you love. Well, laminate is much more unaffected by stains and scratches than the solid wood options. This is because the process by which it is manufactured generates durability and strength in each piece.

Value and Quality
When you select laminate furniture to furnish your place, you are getting high quality affordable products. The Makers of Cool make sure that you receive fashionable items at a good price.

Now there might be some reasons to consider passing on laminate products. Let’s look at the cons and see if this would make a difference in your choices.

The Cons of Laminate Products
• You will not be able to sand or stain them.
• The lifespan of laminate is shorter than that of hardwood.
• Though, they are University Loft strong, they are not as strong as solid hardwoods.
• One may not find the replicated wood grain as attractive as the real deal.

In considering furniture for your facility, keep in mind that laminate offers a more affordable option to solid wood or veneer. Which may be the best decision for you.

Would you like to have a look at some more of our laminate products? Visit our catalogs. If you have any questions, or you would like to know more, please contact us or give us a call at 800-423-LOFT (5638). A skilled Uloft representative with be available to help you. If you need something NOW, that’s not a problem, we have a quick-ship program. Ask your rep about it. We would love your business.

University Loft Company wants your furniture buying experience to be satisfying. We are committed to producing top-quality furniture that provides the best value to you. We are innovators manufacturing products to improve student residence furniture, off-campus and military housing, apartment and new development furnishing and multi-family unit housing. Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides is the creative force behind University Loft Company. His vision for loft beds was only the beginning of the accomplishments done in contract furniture through this company.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock

Special thanks to Ron Coleman, Regional Sales Manager for Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, and Louisiana for providing the information and photographs for this blog.

University Loft is growing and we’re looking for good workers to hire. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).

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