Get Some Rest! University Loft Will Help with the Nap Cab

We’re a busy people. We roll out of bed and hit the floor running. There’s hardly enough time to eat, and many of us do that while going from one event to the next. We stay up too late and we get up too early. We’re pretty much sleep deprived. Not getting enough sleep is hard on us and affects us negatively from our alertness to our blood pressure. The problem really isn’t fixed by a double dose of caffeine either. We want you to get some rest! University Loft will help with the Nap Cab.

Studies have shown that a forty minute nap enhances our alertness. No matter your job, that is plus for all of us. Did you know also that just thinking about a nap can lower our blood pressure? If you’re having trouble remembering, take a nap. It will enhance your memory. Napping also aids your creativity and helps prevent heart disease. Even a short ten minute rest will improve your mood even if you can’t fall asleep.

Imagine you are walking across campus and you really need to catch a few Zzzzs. No problem, right there in the common area, is a University Loft Nap Cab for you to climb into and snooze away. You will wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world – or the next project.

Before you say, “I don’t have time to take a nap,” remember, the benefits will far outweigh the time you “sacrificed” to take care of yourself and take a little snooze in the middle of the day. You have to first take care of yourself so that you can function to your fullest and best capacity, then you can be there for others. So, get some rest! University Loft will help with the Nap Cab – coming to an area near you soon.

University Loft Company provides quality college furniture, off-campus housing, GSA defense quarters, apartment and new development furnishings that are built strong and will last a long time. Take a look at some of the fine choices we have to offer in our catalogs. Browse our website to see the vast series and collections from which to choose. If you see something you like and would like to know more about, you can contact us or give us a call at 800.423.LOFT (5638). A Uloft representative will be ready and available to help you. Do you need something in a hurry? No problem. We can ship orders at short notice. Talk to us about your needs. We’d really love your business.

University Loft Company wants your furniture buying experience to be satisfying. We are committed to producing top-quality furniture that provides the best value to you. We are innovators manufacturing products to improve student residence furniture, off-campus and military housing, apartment and new developments furnishings, and multi-family unit housing. Founder and CEO, James N. Jannetides is the creative force behind University Loft Company. His vision for loft beds was only the beginning of the accomplishments done in contract furniture through this company.

Until next time ~ Ginger Bock

University Loft Company is growing and we’re hiring. We are looking for good workers to become part of an excellent team. If you are interested or know anybody who would like to enjoy the experience and relationship of being a part of this growing contract furniture company, contact us here or call 800.423-LOFT (5638).



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