In 1984 a young pioneering college student took a look around his dorm room and came up with an idea that would solve a problem dormitories faced and save space in his residence. That was when the loft bed configuration was first created. In 1986 that same college student, James Jannetides, built a loft bed and took a giant step forward as a design and innovation leader. Taking a chance with a great idea then has allowed college students everywhere now enjoy better campus living with University Loft Company’s student residence furniture.
In addition to a high standard of quality products for our customers, dorm room solutions and space saving furniture is the foundation of University Loft Company. Since that day in 1984, creative design ideas continue to be produced, manufactured and brought to you by the Makers of Cool. Ask a rep about the Greenfield Series, The Butcher Block Series and the Flat Iron Series. These are just some of the new ideas that keep coming from ULC – a design and innovation leader.
University Loft Company continues to pioneer the high quality, strong, durable, green friendly student housing, apartment furnishings, multi-family unit furniture and military housing. Built like a tank, our products last for years. This is why our customers are satisfied and continue a relationship with us.
“We are always learning, always innovating, and always improving…our environment, our products and our service. We are University Loft Company.” ~ James Jannetides
We want your business. Take a look at all we have to offer by stopping by our catalogs. Any question you have can be answered by a University Loft representative. You can contact us or call 1-800-423-LOFT (5638).
Founder and CEO, James Jannetides’ continual drive and determination is the force behind University Loft Company. His example as an extreme visionary has been a wellspring of encouragement and inspiration to many.
Until next time ~ Ginger Bock